Raising Awareness about Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome and How ITSAN Can Help

In this PART I “Patient Perspectives” (P2) session, we take a deep dive into the world of Atopic Dermatitis and Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) Syndrome. Join us as Kathryn Tullos, CEO and President of the International Topical Steroid Awareness Network (ITSAN), shares her expertise on this often misunderstood condition. Kathryn will explore the risks of inappropriate topical steroid use, TSW’s impact on patients, and her advocacy work for better labeling and patient care. This is an invaluable session for healthcare professionals looking to better understand and manage TSW in their dermatologic and pediatric practices!

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Kathryn Tullos is a Registered Nurse, wife, and mother of four from Houston, Texas. She has an Associate degree in Nursing from Houston Community College and a BA in Communications from Brigham Young University. Early on, Kathryn was a bedside nurse in pediatrics for seven years before deciding to take a break from nursing to stay home and raise her children.

In 2015, she returned to full-time work as a patient advocate with the non-profit ITSAN (International Topical Steroid Awareness Network). ITSAN is dedicated to raising awareness about Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome, a condition that affected her son. Over the years, Kathryn has also served with ITSAN as Executive Director, and currently, she is Board President and CEO.


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